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A more interactive IWB? Try Triptico!

by Briana in IWB Resources Comments: 0 tags: iwb, triptico

I saw this last spring and downloaded it to use myself, but was just reminded of it by @coolcatteacher…Triptico!

Triptico is a collection of 23 interactive resources designed for IWBs. Activities include Word Magnets, Class Timer, random students selectors, team point scoreboards, Find Ten, student groups, Text Spinner, Question Quiz, Match It, Class Vote and more!

The Word Magnets is similar to the Magnet Poetry; you enter a bunch of words (copy and paste a list) and moveable “magnets” are created. There are 42 different backgrounds associated with Word Magnets, so students can categorize, create Venn diagrams, ABC lists, bulls eyes, process charts and much more. If you forget a word or want to add more (a student’s suggestion!), you can quickly add and delete words. You can also change the background board color or the color of the magnets, meaning I can color code my parts of speech or herbivores, carnivores and omnivores!

The Find 10 let’s teachers enter a topic and create 15 facts, some related and other not, for students to identify. This would also work well for classifying items, synonyms, a Who am I and more!

There are other great interactive activities and useful, reusable classroom management tools. Enjoy!

ActivInspire FINALLY has an equation editor!

Calling all Math teachers! ActivInspire 1.6 finally incorporates an equation editor. No more taking snapshots of equations in Math Type or Word to past into flipcharts. Click the image to the right to view the ActivTip flipchart and see how this great new feature works!

This version of ActivInspire also includes an Extend Page button giving you more room for brainstorming, the option to remove the Pen icon and the ability to switch between Select and Pen with a right-click (yay!). Check out all of the new features on Promethean Planet’s ActivTip video page!